Thursday 13 August 2009

21. Make sushi at home.

This week I finally got round to doing something with the endless packets of sushi rice that I have bought during those moments of culinary enthusiasm (that get replaced quickly with a fervour for drinking cider). Reading the ingredients, it looked like I needed some mirin and Japanese rice vinegar to make the rice sticky, so I bought that, and then set about making handrolls with avocado, cucumber, cooked fish (as raw fish is usually quite old by the time it makes it to me!) and LOTS of wasabi. The sushi looked a far cry from anything you buy in the shop, but taste-wise went down a treat with OH. I then did my usual trick of seeing just how much wasabi I can take! I never learn my lesson, and this time it ended with me dancing round the living room trying to stomp it out of my nose!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun evening! glad the sushi went down well.
