Thursday 24 September 2009

20. Reading list - Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Have just finished one of the books on the list - Brideshead Revisited which I started on Friday night. It took a bit to get going and though I am a philistine, it’s not quite as good as I expected a classic like this to be. In fact, I much preferred Evelyn Waugh’s other famous masterpiece Scoop. However, I’m glad I read it as it’s an interesting insight into the changing times experienced by people in the decadent 20s before moving to the war period and a great story about an eccentric family and the facade they put up in the face of problems of adultery, alcohol and religion.

Now for the next book on the list...

Wednesday 9 September 2009

20. Wuthering Heights

I have changed number 20 as it pertained to decluttering which I think I have covered elsewhere in the 101 in 1001 list. Inspired by others’ lists, I have changed it to reading all of the books on the BBC’s top 100 reads list. For each that remains unread, I will donate a sum to the Alzheimers Society.

I've made a start on this. As well as the books I've completed so far in my life, I bought and finished a classic that I had always meant to read thanks to the list; Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - very embarrassed to admit I had not read it before. It was superb, very readable and suspenseful, and for me, totally unpredictable, so much so that I nearly returned back late to work after lunch yesterday as I was engrossed! I finished it early this morning after starting it on Monday!

in other news, I can’t tick it off the list yet, but I have booked to go abseiling! Bit scared though, but who wouldn’t be when staring down a gorge, held by nothing but a rope!!

Wednesday 2 September 2009

17. Smarten up the campervan

The intention was to give my beloved VW a fresh lick of paint as his bodywork was a fetching mixture of red and white! However, it’s a very long story but our previous neighbours were a bunch of horrible snobs who didn’t like my campervan “as it’s an ugly white blob not in keeping with the rest of the street”. So, after my beloved VeeDub broke down, I decided that he would be better off with a new owner who could easily fix him and whose neighbours would appreciate him! So one day, the plan is to buy another camper that won’t need smartening up!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

7. Buy a house!

We moved in at the weekend! During the boom years, we were offered massive mortgages, even a 110% mortgage at one point, which seemed ludicrous to me as it was obvious things could not be sustained and a housing slump of some sort was on the cards. So we diligently saved and saved and saved (with a special thanks to the wonderful MSE Martin Lewis without whom we would still be flailing around), only for the predicted slump to arrive with astonishing speed and immediacy. Suddenly banks weren’t so keen to lend, and my tax dollars were being directed at the likes of RBS and HBOS so that their failing staff could receive massive bonuses to reward them for their ineptitude, now called “risk-taking”, instead of the NHS and other actual worthy causes. But I digress......we have finally, finally, finally moved into our own home and look forward to spending the next 25 years paying it back! We are both very excited and will be spending the next little while either finding our possessions a home or putting them on ebay!