Wednesday 5 February 2014

2013 -a belated review!


Set up my own business and started publicising it by joining The Athena Network which has been invaluable for support and referrals.


My best friend lives thousands of miles away, so when she’s within a country or two of me, I’ll happily go and meet her. This meant we spent a very relaxing few days eating, drinking and laughing in Nice. A cold Nice, not the sunny vision that most people have of the city!


Got some very interesting new clients and gave my first presentation!


Started a new job at an agency.


Sold the house!


Birthday spent camping in Dorset; the previous day was at MrPBR’s graduation from his master’s!


Spent the month camping and waiting for our new house to be built. Still commuting and managing to look like my clothes were ironed at work while gaining great coverage for our client!


Favourite festival and joined a new networking/motivational coaching group.


Started being bullied by boss so quit job and then cursed her for my need to earn more money but on the plus side an saving a fortune (£60 a day in fact) on nursery fees. Moved into new house just as the weather flips from “hot” to “wet”.


My mum visits from abroad. I do another presentation!


I have a new nephew! Also, my dad then graduates from his master’s and reveals he has a book about to be published!


We cook Christmas dinner at our house for the first time as everyone comes to us. I get coverage for a client in the Sun and another client into Good Housekeeping which finishes the work year on a high!

So all of the major achievements are not mine but the 101 in 1001 project is always on my mind and has spurred me on, particularly in the arena of personal development and CONFIDENCE-building. What are your plans for 2014?