Thursday 9 December 2010

98. Fix my iPod

The end of 2010 has been quite busy with weddings (mine and a friend's), babies (more than 20 born to my friends, including NINE in November - one of whom was my first nephew!), work and trips abroad, so I have neglected my 101 in list. I was horrified to notice that time is running out, so the first one in my little recent push was to sort out my iPod. I recycled my broken one (and five months on am still waiting for my payout from a certain recycling company), bought a new one and have put all of my CDs onto my i-Tunes which was very revealing. It appears that my taste in music has shifted quite dramatically from dance music to acoustic and folk. I recommend listening to every CD you have. Music is the closest thing we have to magic on this planet and it's incredible to relive some of the moments and emotions that come flooding back simply by listening to a song that meant a lot during your teenage years. I was also able to sell quite a few of my old classics too!

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