Monday 22 March 2010

12. Step up volunteering

After a lot of faffing, I am back with the local Alzheimer's Society branch. I used to volunteer as a befriender and spent a couple of hours a week visiting and talking to the most incredible woman who sadly suffered with dementia. The pleasure was all mine. She was such an inpiration; she was quite a well-known author, she painted, she could speak at least four languages and she was a total joy to be around - witty, intelligent and vivacious. Sadly, I moved away and lost touch. Four years later, by chance, we moved back to the area with Mr PBR's job and I decided that I would see if I could go and see her again. Sadly, what with procrastinating and trying to find the time between my full time job and my second part time job, I never got round to it and was devasted to read in the paper that she had died. So after going to her funeral, I came home and got back in touch with the local branch and said I would help out. They (unlike me!) wasted no time at all and I am now fully back in the swing, this time working on the admin side of things which suits me timewise.

I am really enjoying it and I feel it is a much better use of my evenings than watching TV or heading to the pub! I probably would have continued to procrastinate if I hadn't put it on my list. Vive la 101 in 1001 project!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about the lady that died but well doe you on stepping up to help out
