Tuesday 1 September 2009

7. Buy a house!

We moved in at the weekend! During the boom years, we were offered massive mortgages, even a 110% mortgage at one point, which seemed ludicrous to me as it was obvious things could not be sustained and a housing slump of some sort was on the cards. So we diligently saved and saved and saved (with a special thanks to the wonderful MSE Martin Lewis without whom we would still be flailing around), only for the predicted slump to arrive with astonishing speed and immediacy. Suddenly banks weren’t so keen to lend, and my tax dollars were being directed at the likes of RBS and HBOS so that their failing staff could receive massive bonuses to reward them for their ineptitude, now called “risk-taking”, instead of the NHS and other actual worthy causes. But I digress......we have finally, finally, finally moved into our own home and look forward to spending the next 25 years paying it back! We are both very excited and will be spending the next little while either finding our possessions a home or putting them on ebay!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on moving into your new home and on being very sensible about it. Sounds like you had the right idea.

    I would love to own my own property instead of paying someone else's mortgage but its just too expensive.
